Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Beginning

It started a couple of months ago when the reality of retirement really struck me. Carla and I had finished remodeling our home, fall was well underway and it came to me that although I've been busy, I really wasn't sure of what was going to keep me occupied off into retirement. That concern is one I think most newly retired folks wonder about. I certain do.

Our neighbor in Fox Point, Bob Lee had just completed a very successful 6500 mile bicycle ride for charity ( http://www.3reasons.org/) up the east coast of the US and then across the northern part of the country. It was possible to follow his journey via blog and pictures and what an adventure it seemed to be. It just came to me one day that such a journey would be fun as well as a great way to see part of the country. For years I'd traveled by air back and forth and up and down across the US, often looking down as we flew across cities, farmland, desert and mountains. "Wouldn't it be fun to ride down there and see what it really was made up of" was a frequent thought.So without boring you with all the motives of this ride, I intend to do that.

In May of 2008 I am planning to ride my bicycle approximately 1500 miles alongside the Mississippi River from just south of Davenport, IA to New Orleans, LA. I expect to average about 50 - 60 miles a day, camping about 2/3's of the time and finding a B & B with a soft bed and shower the remainder of the time. Once I reach New Orleans, I'll do my part for their economy by staying for a couple of days, eating and drinking well before I come home to Chicago on Amtrak's City of New Orleans.

That's the general goal. If you care to, you may travel alongside as I plan, (to make sure I have the proper equipment and directions before I set off), train (to make sure that this partially-used body is able to finish the adventure) and finally as I set off in early May, to experience the trip.

I will have the able assistance of several people and organizations to help with all of this, but more about that in future blogs. It will be well planned in advance and just to be clear, I am convinced it will be safe.

Finally, without the support and blessing of my wife Carla who is used to my oddball behavior, none of this would be possible. Oddball, but not stupid. This ride is downhill all the way. Think not? Go look at a map or globe of the earth. Davenport, Iowa is higher on the globe than New Orleans, so that looks downhill to me! Although this ride is a one-man event, ("person", if you're politically correct, which I'm not), it does involve time spent away from home. If Carla had seriously indicated her reluctance for me to do this, it would have only remained a dream. So thank you Carla for your encouragement and support.

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