Monday, April 7, 2008

Question of the Day

I'm about to ride 1335 miles on a trail from north (up) to south (down). I've read and experienced that prevailing winds, when they occur, are southerly. i.e., from south to north. However, the trail, if one starts in Muscatine, runs up to down. So the question is: Which direction should I ride? New Orleans (up) to Muscatine, or Muscatine (down) to New Orleans.

All the assumptions are true for both rides. The distance up or down is the same, the time of the year is the same, the weather will be the same, the weight of the bike is the same, the grade of the route is the same and the rider is the same;

1) Is it smarter to ride down a trail that has a slight downhill grade against the wind, or,
2) Is it smarter to ride up the same trail with the wind, when it blows, at your back?

If you have a comment, please leave it by clicking on "Comments" below.

1 comment:

Gma said...

Hey Bob!
No advice on direction or wind; but I have been thinking about you. I wish you well on your adventure!!
We just bought a house (today) in St. Louis, so when you return, I'll expect a welcome to the midwest conversation. I may even visit you in Chicago.
God Speed...
